It is important to be aware of Vitamin D Levels as it is available in very few varieties of foods. The sources to get an adequate amount of vitamin D are sun, few non-vegan foods and supplements. It is the inert or inactive form of vitamin D, which is absorbed by our body. However, there is a huge difference between the adequate doses mentioned by the government and health experts.

Vitamin D Levels

According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, the average range of vitamin D intake without supplementation is:

1. adult male- from 204 to 288 IU/day
2. females- from 144 to 276 IU/day.

However, this should not be taken as the suggestion for the intake of supplements to maintain your healthy as it is just the statistic representing the present situation. Vitamin D Deficiency or overdose can cause several diseases. Therefore, it is utmost necessary to know your exact Vitamin D Levels.

Vitamin D Levels, Vitamin D Levels Chart
Vitamin D Levels

600 International units of Vitamin D is the right amount to save you from a heart stroke. Less than 100 IU (International unit) of vitamin D is considered as the Vitamin D Deficiency. Adults beyond 70 were suggested for at least 800 IU of vitamin D intake. 

Vitamin D Levels of Vitamin D Foods -


Cod Liver Oil 200–700 
Fish (Salmon, Sardiness, Tuna) 5–12 
Margarine 5–6 
Eggs 1–2 
Butter 4–1.2 
Cheese 0.1–0.3

Recommended dietary intake of vitamin D -

The Vitamin D Levels Chart from the Institute of Medicine provides the Vitamin D Levels under the following categories:

  • 1. IU: It stands for International Units. It is used for the measurements of vitamins. 

  • 2. EAR: It stands for Estimated Average Requirements. It is the intake level for vitamin D at which the needs of 50 percent of the population will be met. 

  • 3. RDA: It stands for Recommended Dietary Allowance. It is the quantity of vitamin D in the diet that is required to maintain good health. 

  • 4. ULI: It stands for tolerable Upper intake level. It is the highest average daily nutrient intake level that is likely to pose no risk of adverse health effects for almost all individuals in the general population.

Vitamin D Levels Chart

Life Stage Group EAR (IU) RDA (IU) ULI (IU)
O to 6 Months ... ... 1000
6 to 12 Months ... ... 1500
1 to 3 Years 400 600 2500
4 to 8 Years 400 600 3000
9 to 13 Years 400 600 4000
14 to 18 Years 400 600 4000
19 to 30 Years 400 600 4000
31 to 50 Years 400 600 4000
51 to 70 Years 400 600 4000
Above 70 400 800 4000
14 to 18 Years
(Pregnant/ Lactating
400 600 4000
19 to 50 Years
(Pregnant/ Lactating
400 600 4000

Besides, the above recommended dietary intake of vitamin D, you must consult your dietician to know your exact Vitamin D levels. Patients with diseases, which make the absorption of vitamin D difficult require quite a higher dose of vitamin D. Therefore, it is highly recommended not to follow just the above statistics.

Benefits Of Vitamin D

“Look to your health; and if you have it, praise God and value it next to conscience; for health is the second blessing that we mortals are capable of, a blessing money can’t buy.” Minerals and organic compounds play a vital role in building up a healthy body. Keep the level of vitamin D up to date in your body to increase years to your life. Vitamin D maintains the calcium balance in the body. Without vitamin D there will be no calcium absorption. Besides this there are several Benefits Of Vitamin D.

Main Vitamin D Benefits :-

1. It provides immunity against colds. 

2. It helps in fighting depression. 

3. It nourishes your bone. 

4. It fights off weight gain in winter. 

5. Vitamin D is quite efficient in lowering the risk of cancer.

Functions Of Vitamin D -

1. Absorption of phosphorous, plasma calcium and calcium levels improves in the body due to proper vitamin D. 

2. Vitamin D promotes growth and calcification in bone. 

3. It is very effective in maintaining the normal level of citric acid salt in the body. 

4. It aids in the prevention of loss of amino acids. 

5. It also defends against the viral infection. 

6. It is responsible for the production of a protein fragment called LL-37 that kills the TB bacterium. 

7. There are fewer chances of respiratory infection in people with the proper level of vitamin D in their body. It has been found in the babies as well. This proves that vitamin D makes our immune system smarter. Many epidemiologists consider it as an essential requirement to maintain the proper immune system. 

8. Asthma has also shown some links to vitamin D. 

9. Some health experts have also found its involvement in amelioration of ailments like cancer, rogue immunity and infections. 

10. It has been proven that it helps in cell proliferationthat means it plays an important role in growth of the human body.

Some facts on the Benefits Of Vitamin D -

1. Women who intakes proper doses of vitamin D are found to be less prone to have preterm labor. 

2. Fewer percentages of people are found with hypertension if they intake daily doses of vitamin D. People with the lower level of vitamin D in their blood are more likely to have hypertension and other heart problems. 

3. According to a report by the Archives of Neurology, people with lowest Vitamin D Levels were more prone to the Parkinson’s disease. 

4. According to a recent US study, men who consume enough amount of Vitamin D in their diet are less likely to suffer a stroke than the ones who are deficit of it.

Things to consider for Vitamin D Supplements -

1. Always get the generic brands of vitamin D.

2. Supplements cannot cure diseases such as diabetes, cancer, digestive problems or heart diseases. Avoid the ones which promise for dramatic results.

Vitamin D Benefits mentioned above prove its involvement in more than just bone health. Make sure your diet holds Vitamin D to maintain the homeostatic balance. Value your health before sickness arrives. Give a chance to this hormone of all seasons.