Low Vitamin D Symptoms : So many people are unaware that something as simple as having Low Vitamin D can cause a variety of symptoms. 

Low Vitamin D Symptoms

Here is a Vitamin D Deficiency Diseases List of some of the common symptoms & illnesses related to Low Vitamin D :-

  • Colds
  • Flu
  • Periodontal disease and cavities
  • Seasonal affective disorder
  • Depression
  • Osteoporosis
  • Asthma
  • Colon Cancer
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Loss of appetite
  • Weight Loss
  • Diarrhea
  • Insomnia
  • Vision problems
  • Rickets
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle pain
  • Low immunity
  • Breast cancer
  • Ovarian cancer
  • Musculoskeletal pain

As you can see, there are many symptoms and illnesses that can be linked to Vitamin D Deficiency. Very few people get enough Vitamin D, so most people can benefit greatly from a supplement. It is important to purchase a quality supplement such as, some brands are better than others.

Low Vitamin D Symptoms, Vitamin D Deficiency Diseases List
Low Vitamin D Symptoms

How To Recognise Low Vitamin D Symptoms?

If you are suffering from a Lack Of Vitamin D how will you know? Most people are able to get this ingredient from food sources such as milk and certain vegetables. The body need two different types. One is obtained from foods, while the body manufacturers the other. Another way to try and get it is through sunlight exposure. The skin must be exposed to the sun long enough to get an adequate dosage. This vitamin is needed to help keep your bones strong and healthy. Without it there are many Low Vitamin D Symptoms that can appear.

If you are having a lot of dental problems and your teeth are cracking or breaking this is one clue that you may need more nutrients. Your teeth are comprised up of the same material as bones and need sufficient minerals to maintain health. You can easily take a test to see if you are low.

While most people would consider weight loss a good thing, unexplained loss of pounds is not. If you are having bouts of diarrhea or do not have an appetite for food this is another sign to this ailment. Check with your doctor for any sudden weight loss that you cannot account for.

Most elderly persons have fractures in greater numbers. This is due to their body no longer absorbing this nutrient properly. Even if you eat foods containing it, your body is still not getting the amounts that it needs to function properly. You can have weak bones due to this without being a senior citizen.

If you are always getting colds and staying ill this can be a clue to not getting enough of this mineral. Without adequate amounts your immune system is compromised and lowered. This can allow your body to be weaker than normal. Taking supplements should help you remedy the problem.

Osteoporosis is one of the worst causes of not getting any Vitamin D Supplements in your system. The bones become brittle and hard. Many show signs of a humped back and not able to stand up straight. This stops one from being able to support the body and organs sufficiently and might have problems standing or walking. Once this has set in there is no way to reverse the damage.

Many studies have shown that bone health is not the only concern one should have. The lack of this item can lead to other major illnesses. Some of these are breast, colon, and ovarian cancer. You should take proper care of your health to help decrease your chances.

There are many Low Vitamin D Symptoms which you should be aware of. Many of these alone are not a big cause for concern, however the more that you have may prompt a visit to your doctor. They can test your levels and if low advise treatment options. This item is vital to the health of your bones, teeth, immune system, and the prevention of certain cancers. You may be able to increase it naturally through eating foods and with natural sunlight absorption. But if all that does not work supplements can be taken.

Vitamin D And Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic, genetically determined skin disease. Two factors are necessary for this disease to appear. One of them is constant but it can not cause clinical symptoms of psoriasis by it self. The disease will appear only when the first factor is joined by yet another factor. The continuous causal factor with psoriasis is of genetic origin and for disease to occur triggering factors are necessary. These are the most common mental stress, metabolic disorders, and Vitamin Deficiency disorders, various organic, inorganic, or functional disorders of internal organs or various external sensitizing or adverse factors.

Psoriasis causes creating scaly, red damages to the skin. Damages are caused over exaggerated growth and loss of skin cells. It is normal for skin cells to mature for about thirty days, when the body rejects them. However, in psoriasis cells mature in only four days. The cause of the abnormal cell growth is unknown, although it is suspected that this has a genetic predisposition.
Low Vitamin D Symptoms, Vitamin D Deficiency Diseases List
Low Vitamin D Symptoms

If you have psoriasis, you should change something about your way of life. For example, it is known that eating red meat, foods high in fat, fungal infection and excessive alcohol can cause psoriasis. The same goes for the effects of stress. We know that some factors may mitigate the symptoms of psoriasis: exposure to sunlight, maintaining good skin moisture, and some vitamins.

Vitamin D has proven very valuable. The body produces this vitamin when exposed to sunlight, but people with psoriasis do not use it because they mostly just hide from the sun. Therefore, Vitamin D Supplements in tablet are the proper alternative.

Omega – 3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory effect. They are useful for people who suffer from psoriasis and one other disease- about 10% of patients diagnosed with psoriasis eventually get a form of arthritis – psoriatic arthritis. Studies have shown that 1-3 g of omega – 3 fish oils can reduce the symptoms of these diseases. The body can not produce the fish oils in its own, and they must obtained from food.

Very often it is forgotten another extraordinary effect of this deep sea treasure: namely, the use of omega-3 fatty acids leads to decrease of inflammation and itching of the skin. They reduce inflammation and soothe hot spots, so it is reasonable and effective to use them in such skin diseases such as Psoriasis.

Favorable effect on the psoriatic skin lesions can be achieved by using slightly larger dose of omega-3 fatty acids, so that in consultation with the physician in these cases it is recommended to take for some time, even up to 3 times a day by 2000 mg of fish fats that contain standardized amounts of Omega-3 fatty acids (18% EPA and 12% DHA).

Aloe Vera plant is one of the best skin moisturizer, and therefore it is valuable to those suffering from psoriasis. In order for the body to function optimally, there are some things that should be avoided. No matter how rushed your day is, taking herbal aloe concentrate will encourage a positive outcome. Herbal Aloe Concentrate contains enzymes, amino acids, vitamins and minerals. It cleans the body and increases immunity. The potion is rich in beta carotene, which promotes the strengthening of the immune system.

Vitamin D Deficiency Depression

Although vitamin D is mainly needed for strong and healthy bones, it might be also successful against depression and other mood disorders. Researchers consider that insufficient exposure to sunlight – leading to Vitamin D Deficiency – is directly linked with depression. Other studies suggested that vitamin D is also linked with premenstrual syndrome, seasonal affective disorder and severe depression.

Scientists believe that vitamin D influences the serotonin level of the brain, which might be responsible for the depressive symptoms. Vitamin D Deficiency is also considered to be linked with seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Studies revealed that vitamin D is more efficient than light therapy in patients with this disorder. SAD mostly occurs during the winter time, when ultraviolet rays – needed for the skin the convert Vitamin D – of the sun are weaker.

Other studies revealed that patients with heart diseases and Low Vitamin D level are more predisposed to depressions.

Due to Vitamin D Deficiency, older people are more likely to have depressions or other mood disorder. Additionally, according to some researchers, mothers who failed to get plenty of exposure to the sun during pregnancy, have children with increased chances to develop schizophrenia in their life, as to mothers who got a lot of sun exposure.

Despite the fact the link between vitamin D, sunlight and depression is not completely evident, people who do not get sufficient vitamin D might not have any deficiency symptoms, but present depressive symptoms.

Vitamin D And Influenza

Numerous studies have suggested that there is a connection between Vitamin D And Influenza, and also between vitamin D and respiratory infections. There is a reduced vulnerability to influenza with a higher vitamin D supplementation or increased sun exposure.

Recent studies have also implied that Low Vitamin D is a substantial risk factor for Influenza, and suggested that vitamin D can be efficient in moderating Influenza incidence and acuteness. According to these studies, the seasonality of influenza epidemics can be explained by the seasonality of Vitamin D Deficiency.

A research conducted by the University Of Colorado Denver School Of Medicine revealed that individuals with the lowest Vitamin D Levels reported more cases of flu or colds. People with severe respiratory disorders, including emphysema and asthma, present even higher risks. Still, the study needs to be completed with clinical trials before vitamin D could be administered to prevent flu and colds.

Actually, there are strong evidences that vitamin D significantly reduces the incidence of respiratory infections. Administration of vitamin D-producing ultraviolet radiation leads to less respiratory viral infections.

Vitamin D is likely to have a major role in the prevention of influenza, as there is a connection between Vitamin D Deficiency and frequency of respiratory infections.

Vitamin D Osteoporosis

The importance of calcium and vitamin D to maintain bone health is often unfairly ignored by both medical professionals and ordinary citizens. In addition, adequate intake of these two vitamins is not just necessary when the disease occurs, but also throughout life, as they support the proper functioning of certain life-saving functions, as well as the prevention of the onset of osteoporosis.

Completion of the development of bone mass is usually reached of the 30s, and therefore regular physical activity and intake of recommended amounts of calcium and vitamin D in adolescent and youthful age ensures the healthy development of bone mass. Calcium is an essential element for the human body and it is necessary for many cellular functions.

Calcium is not just essential for bone health, but it is essential for neuromuscular activity, blood coagulation and normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. Although 99% of the calcium in the organism is stored in bones and teeth, it may also be found in intracellular fluid (ECF) or plasma. The level of calcium in the plasma determines the balance of calcium in the body.

The best way to achieve the balance of calcium in the body is through diet rich in calcium (eg milk, cheese, yogurt, and broccoli).

Achieving the optimal intake through diet can be difficult, especially for people who are lactose intolerant, vegetarians, and for those who hold strict diets with low intake of calories. Also, there are certain substances that can adversely affect the utilization of in the calcium in the organism (eg, oxalates, certain proteins, phytates and caffeine).

Supplementation of calcium is recommended for all people that do not take adequate amounts of calcium.

Since our gastrointestinal tract can absorb only 500 to 600 mg of calcium at once, supplements should be taken with at least every four or five hours, so as to achieve maximum efficiency.

Vitamin D is an important nutrient for osteoporosis maintenance. The primary function of vitamin D is the regulation of calcium absorption in the intestines and stomach, as well as the stimulation of bone resorption to maintain adequate concentration of calcium in serum.

In case of Vitamin D Deficiency, there is a decrease in of calcium absorption in the intestines, leading to an increase in the creation of osteoclasts.

If it comes to Vitamin D Deficiency during the long period of time, skeletal system will suffer due to continuous reduction of calcium, which in children can lead to rickets, while in adults it may lead to osteomalacia and osteoporosis.

Sunlight helps create vitamin D in our organism. Exposing face, arms, hands and back to the solar light for 5 to 15 minutes twice a week, from 10 o’clock in the morning to 3 in the afternoon is usually sufficient to maintain adequate levels of vitamin D.

Although the harmful effects of UV waves in the spectrum of sunlight may increase the risk of skin cancer, blocking these waves can lead to individual deficiencies of vitamin D. If you do not expose yourself to the solar light to the appropriate extent, you can use nutrition supplements with vitamin D. Since it is relatively difficult to take the required amounts of calcium or vitamin D through diet, Vitamin D Supplements are recommended.

One recent study, regarding calcium and vitamin D, conducted by the WHI obtained results which show relationship between levels of these elements and the risk of fractures. The study showed that women in post-menopausal, who were given daily doses of 1000 mg calcium carbonate and 400 units of vitamin D, had 29% fewer hip fractures. Female persons aged over 60 years (the biggest risk group when it comes to fracture) had a significant reduction of 21% of the risk of the occurrence of hip fracture.