Vitamin D Benefits And Vitamin D Facts For Health
Vitamin D Benefits And Vitamin D Facts
Know What Is Vitamin D Before You Take It : Vitamin D is no different from most supplements and vitamins, it can be absorbed and actually manufactured by your body. But what is vitamin D should be known before you start taking it. First of all, this comes from the sun, and it’s manufactured by your own body.
You can also find it in many fortified products such as cereal and milk and in some naturally occurring vegetables. Most importantly is to realize that just like other good things, you can actually overdose on a good thing, in fact, it can become toxic or dangerous.
Vitamin D Benefits |
Vitamins and supplements are a great way to supplement a poor diet, or if you’re looking for peak performance. But you need to know what you’re taking and why. Many people will take a multivitamin, but they don’t often realize that it has to be complete with other nutrients as well.
The biological system needs many things in order to make the most of what goes into it. You’ll often find that just taking one type of vitamin isn’t really going to help you much, that’s because many of the vitamins and nutrients need each other in order for our bodies to absorb them.
Vitamin D is often used to help those who have a phosphorous or calcium absorption problem. The Vitamin D actually helps your body process and absorb the other two vital nutrients. This is why it’s important to know what is vitamin d and why your taking it. Just taking extra phosphorus or calcium doesn’t do you much good if you’re not getting enough of the companion vitamin.
Then you need to know what happens if you get too much of a good thing, Vitamin D Toxicity can become deadly if not treated right away. It can include nausea, heart problems, poor appetite, and even confusion and coma. If you’re taking supplements and have a health emergency be sure to take them with you as you head to the emergency room.
Your doctor can diagnose pretty quickly if given the right information, so just as you would take any prescription medicine with you, make sure you take the containers of supplements as well. Remember, a little might be a good thing, a lot may be dangerous.
In today’s world, feeling good, energized and healthy is important, no one like to be depressed or to feel poorly. Vitamin D is one of those vitamins that you need. If you can’t get outside enough or are having problems due to osteoporosis, you may want to take a supplement that includes D.
Now that you know what is vitamin d, just remember, that while a little is good, a lot can be dangerous. It is said, “everything in moderation is the key” and this goes especially for supplements. Try to understand that it takes a whole bunch of different things to make the human body healthy and happy and it’s all tied in together. Don’t look to just taking one type of supplement or vitamin, make sure you’re getting a complete and healthy supplement that’s full of all the companion nutrients as well.
Vitamin D Facts
In fact, the substance known as vitamin D is a natural hormone. It is created on the skin, reaches the bloodstream and then the liver and kidneys where it gets activated. It next reaches the intestines and bones to perform its biological work. This entire process shows, that by definition, vitamin D is a hormone.
Vitamin D has numerous health benefits, including the prevention of several chronic diseases (diabetes, hypertension, osteoporosis and heart diseases) keeps and bones and teeth healthy, reduces inflammation, helps with calcium absorption, regulates the activity of the immune system and also the activity and growth of the body cells.
It is also great against colds and flu, as with an optimum level of vitamin D in your blood, it is highly improbable to get the flu. Additionally, vitamin D is a very effective treatment for colds and flu.
Vitamin D might also be helpful in cancer prevention. Studies revealed that cancer rates are directly correlated with the level of sun exposure people get. People that live far from the equator are more likely to get various types of cancer, including cancer of the prostate, colon, breast cancer and ovaries.
The main source of vitamin D is direct sun exposure, as it made by the skin through exposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun. Presently, constant warnings about the risks of skin cancer determined the public to avoid direct sun exposure and it is the main cause of the high number of vitamin D deficiencies.
There are several reasons why people do not get sufficient vitamin D from sun exposure. People who live north of 30 degrees north latitude get proper vitamin D from exposure to sun for six month a year, typically from April through September. Sunscreens block your body to produce vitamin D by 95%. Individuals with dark skin pigmentation need more sun exposure to get enough vitamin D. Obese individuals can experience difficulties in generating vitamin D, thus, they need more sun exposure.
It is very hard, almost impossible to get enough vitamin D from your diet, as you would be required to drink several glasses of vitamin D fortified milk or orange juice every day to get the daily dose of vitamin D. The list of Vitamin D Rich Foods include salmon, sardines, mackerel, tuna (canned), milk (fortified), orange juice (fortified) and eggs.
How to Eskimos get Vitamin D?
Eskimos have a limited exposure of U.V light but dont suffer from Vitamin D Deficiency. What is a possible explanation?
A. they dont need Vit D
B. they get enough Vit D from a diet of fish and marine animals
C. their exposure to U.V light in the summer will last for a year
D. they dont require sunlight for vitamin D formation
Vitamin D Benefits And Why You Need This Supplement?
The world is becoming more and more health conscious as obesity and illnesses caused by poor diet are becoming more recognized as an epidemic problem particularly in industrialized countries. Read about the Vitamin D Benefits here.
As people become more health focused, they are becoming more aware of how essential it is to ensure a well balanced diet that includes adequate quantities of the vitamins and minerals necessary to maintain a healthy body and to reduce the development of deficiency disorders caused by inadequate amounts of these vitamins ingested in the diet.
Vitamin D Benefits |
One supplement that is currently the subject of interest is Vitamin D, one of four fat soluble vitamins the body requires to function correctly. This supplement helps the body to use calcium efficiently to reduce bone density problems developing in children and in the elderly, as well as in contributing to healthy teeth and a correctly functioning and healthy nervous system.
The supplement is made in the skin when ultra violet rays from the sun are absorbed into the skin. Dietary Sources of Vitamin D may be found in egg yolks and mushrooms, as well as fatty fish such as mackerel and tuna, in meat and in products that have been fortified with this supplement such as some milk products.
Studies have shown that this supplement may play an important role in preventing the development or minimizing the severity of some auto immune diseases such as multiple sclerosis and diabetes. Research indicates that in those countries where there is a deficiency is most prevalent, the incidence of auto immune disease is higher. The incidents of these auto immune diseases tend to be in countries where exposure to the sun is reduced. These studies seem to indicate that adequate amounts of Vitamin D will provide a measure of protection against the development of these diseases.
Other studies have shown that this supplement can provide a protection against some cancers, particularly those in the lower digestive system. The health benefits of all supplements are well established and as other studies are undertaken, more and more benefits of ensuring a healthy diet, which is high in unprocessed foods such as meat, fruit and vegetables, continue to be understood.
People who are deficient in this supplement have described symptoms including chronic muscular and bone aches and pains which once treated by Vitamin D Supplements have had an immediate improvement in their pain and over time, the pain has disappeared. Other people who have reported brain function problems in later life, have seen improvement when they have started taking these supplements. Evidence seems to suggest that this supplement in adequate levels may help prevent the onset of Alzheimers disease and other less serious problems such as moodiness, memory loss and inability to process information and improvement in each of these conditions when your supplement levels are increased.
Whilst many of these studies are inconclusive, they do suggest that adequate daily dosages must be maintained to ensure all the potential Vitamin D Benefits are achieved.