Vitamin D Low

Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms (Vitamin D Low) : Vitamin D is very important in most areas of human health, including the absorption of phosphorus and calcium from food. Vitamin D Low symptoms are capable of negatively affecting the growth and development of cells, teeth, bones and regulation of hormones. The symptoms can also affect the immune system and nervous system. The deficiency takes place when there is insufficient exposure to the sun, which leads to the body’s inability to absorb the vitamin or its absence in the food eaten. The symptoms can also be caused by the inability of the body to absorb and use Vitamin D, in addition to other abnormal metabolic and digestive processes.

Vitamin D Low, Vitamin D Insufficiency
Vitamin D Low

There are many ways through which Vitamin D can be absorbed by the body. One way that most people know about is when the skin is exposed to the sun. According to many researchers, your body can get enough vitamin D when you expose your body to the sun for as little as 15 minutes. However, some other ways are through foods high in vitamin D like eggs, fish, cod liver oil and fortified milk. Another good source is when you take a multivitamin daily.

There are many Benefits Of Vitamin D, to such an extent that medical professionals call it the “super nutrient”. It is capable of helping you reduce the risk of different health problems, including some cancers and autoimmune diseases, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, Type I diabetes and many others. On cancers, the vitamins can help in reducing the risk of cancers like colon, breast, lungs, and blood in elderly women. It can also be very powerful in fighting tuberculosis.

In elderly people, it can also be very useful. For instance, it can reduce the risk of bone loss and increase bone mineral density below 70 years. Oral supplements of vitamin D can also help in relieving osteomalacia pain, that is always wrongly diagnosed as fibromyalgia, and when you use them in the correct way, they can help in treating psoriasis.

Vitamin D Low Symptoms In Infants and Adults

Vitamin D Insufficiency symptoms in infants are generally different than adults :-

Vitamin D Insufficiency
Vitamin D Low

  • 1.  Infants: In the case of infants, the Vitamin D Low symptoms can show up as bone deformity or rickets. Rickets occurs when the infant is about six months of age. They can present with issues like growth retardation, skeletal deformities, including knocked knees or bowing of the legs, prominent knob such as projections on the ribs close to the sternum, known as muscle weakness and the rachitic rosary. Infants having Vitamin D Low can also suffer from craniotabes, which is the softening of the skull making it to be square-shaped. They also develop an increase in the bone formation on the forehead, also referred to as known as frontal bossing.

  • 2. Adults: In adults, the presence of Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms shows evidence that some complex diseases are already present or in developing stages. Some of the symptoms are:

- Poor Immune System. This is likely to lead to upper respiratory infection, recurrent viruses and many other infections.

- Osteoporosis as a result of malabsorption of Calcium.

- Mood Changes in the form of seasonal depression and other mood disorders.

- Heart Problems, Development of heart problems and high blood pressure.

- Chronic Diseases, Development of chronic diseases like Crohn’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis and other auto-immune disorders.

- Dental Problems, Development of dental problems and gum disease through malabsorption of Calcium

- Asthma, Sudden development of Asthma or worsening Asthma symptoms.

- Bone Disease development called osteomalacia. The condition in which the bone becomes soft is called Osteomalacia.

The individual’s emotional health may also be affected. Depression and anxiety can be exacerbated or caused by the Vitamin D Insufficiency because it is very useful in the creation of building blocks, which produce the neuro-transmitters which help in maintaining emotional balance. For instance, Seasonal Affective Disorder is a type of depression, which is common during cold weather, is likely to be caused by the Vitamin D Low and other important nutrients. The reason for this is that one important source of Vitamin D is when the skin is exposed to sunlight (as said above), an important thing that is lacking in many people when they remain indoors during winter.

Some People Have Higher Risk -

The people with high risk of suffering from Vitamin D Insufficiency are dark-skinned people, elderly people and obese people. However, you should still try to maintain the right Vitamin levels in your body even if you do not fall into these categories. For most people below 50 years, the correct intake is 5mcg (200IU) everyday. For those older than 50 years, the correct intake is 10 mcg (400IU) everyday. This is a very simple way of maintaining the correct Vitamin levels in your body. However, if you are not sure of the right level for you, it is important to talk to a doctor since the need of this Vitamin may vary from one person to another and your daily dosage will need to be tailored to your needs.

Vitamin D Low Causes

Vitamin D Deficiency and Its Common Causes -

Vitamin D Low is known to affect more than 80 percent of the population in the United States. You will understand this better if you know the common causes of why people may suffer from a Vitamin D Low. This article is intended to let you understand of the signs that people may experience when they are deficient of this vitamin.

Usually, those who are commonly affected by Vitamin D Insufficiency are not getting sufficient vitamin D each day either in the form supplements or in their diet. Another common cause is not being exposed to the sun more often. Another possibility is that the kidneys are unable to convert vitamin D into its active form required by the body.

  • 1. Vitamin D Low Diet: Talking about our diet each day, it may be impossible to obtain or meet the RDA or Recommended Daily Allowance of Vitamin D and this is the primary cause why some people suffer from a Vitamin D Insufficiency in their bodies. The common foods we eat containing significant amounts of vitamin D include fish oil, beef liver, oily and wild caught fish and egg yolks. And these are not most often present in the daily diets of most individuals. Check out the list of top foods in Vitamin D Excess.

  • 2. Inadequate Sunlight Exposure: There are people who complain about being exposed to the sun since they are very much concerned about what the scorching heat can do to their skin. But, not being exposed to sunlight would lead to Vitamin D Low. The skin produces vitamin D3 when it is exposed to sun’s ultraviolet rays.

However, the amount required and the impact it does to the individuals varies. This can depend on many factors such as body fat percentage, skin color and also the time of year. A sufficient amount of sun exposure is required but overexposure is surely not good. Hence, one should be able to get a healthy balance of getting exposed to the sun.

  • 3. Aging Kidneys: Having healthy kidneys is important to be able to convert vitamin D into its active form that the body needs. And this is important regardless of how vitamin D is obtained, be it through the diet, sunlight or supplements. But, as the kidneys age, they become less likely to do their job and this leads to a deficiency of vitamin D as well.

  • 4. Inadequacy of Supplements: This is on top of the list of Vitamin D Low causes because getting enough amounts of vitamin D is hard to obtain from the daily diets and people rave about overexposure to the sun, then taking supplements to be able to resolve this deficiency becomes a huge concern.

One can find an array of supplements for vitamin D and D3 in order to overcome the Vitamin D Deficiency Causes.  Finding the right one may need a little experimentation, but it is absolutely worth it when you find getting enough vitamin D is really important. Consult your doctor if you’re not sure whether you have a Vitamin D Low or not and also to determine the right amount of supplementation if that’s the case.

Vitamin D Low Effects on The Immune System

Enhance your Immune System With Vitamin D -

Vitamin D continually proves its essentiality to the human body. Basically a type of hormone, vitamin D can have a powerful influence on each body cell as evidenced that it activates the ability of the immune system to identify and destroy pathogens as well as fight off cancer cells.

Medical science is quite aware of the benefits of vitamin D to health for several years now, with the consideration that certain cancers are more common in northern zones with colder climates compared to the southern geographic areas that are hot. In the journal Nature Immunology, there was a research published that shows the evidence as well as scientific evidences regarding this wonderful pro-hormone.

Activating the Immune Response with Vitamin D -

The body is very sensitive to the presence of vitamin D that’s circulating in the blood stream, the abnormal levels of vitamin D leads to poor response of the immune system and may potentially cause health problems. Vitamin D Deficiency wasn’t a big problem long time ago because of the regular exposure to the sun.

The scientists have seen that vitamin D has the capability of activating white blood cell components of the body’s immune system identified as T-cells, and these are what tag the foreign pathogens to be destroyed. This study is essential since it shows that this can only happen if there is a sufficient amount of vitamin D in the bloodstream. If there is a Vitamin D Low, detection doesn’t happen and the pathogen or the dangerous cancer cells can grow and increase in number.

Vitamin D Allows the Immune System to be Trained for Future Attacks

With the vitamin D’s guidance, the T-cells are able to store information that helps the immune system remember the invaders in the past and how they should respond faster if there are assaults that occur in the future. The disease response memory is important to provide natural defences, especially as we grow older, because the body is able to identify and fight with pathogens as it continues to adjust to the environment. There are lots of researchers who think that this is the most important reason why human beings were able to survive and also evolve in an environment that’s hostile to viruses.

Supplemental Vitamin D for the Prevention of Cancer -

Vitamin D is an essential factor for reducing the risk of diabetes as well as heart disease, stroke and also dementia, it is also important in cancer prevention and treatment of different types. When there are adequate Vitamin D Levels in the blood, the active receptors on every cell in the body become filled and it provides metabolic instruction outline for the replication of cells.

Cancer is one disease that occurs through genetic mutation, thus it is critical to effectively reproduce the DNA strands to future generations of cells. This happens under the influence of vitamin D and when there is sufficient amount of it present on the cell receptors. In order to ensure that there are sufficient amounts of Vitamin D beyond 50mg/mL, it is essential to monitor the levels of vitamin D in the blood specially if fall under the high risk of Vitamin D Low category.

According to research and statistics, about 80% of the population in the United States is suffering from a Vitamin D Low and they are in need of supplementation, and many are not aware that they can significantly lower their risk of getting serious health conditions. If you are worried about Vitamin D Low, ask your doctor to check your blood levels and see if it’s within a normal range or not.

Tanning Concerns

Vitamin D Low And Tanning Concerns -

Sometimes called as the “sunshine vitamin,” vitamin D is an amazing vitamin that is produced when our bodies get stimulated by sunshine. The UV rays present in sunlight are actually the ones that trigger the body to produce vitamin D, which is crucial for the development of a healthy body. Although the sun is always shining and waiting for you to just come out and bask in its warmth, most of us actually fail to get 15 – 20 minutes of sun exposure per day. People usually prefer to stay indoors in the comfort of well-ventilated rooms sitting in front of their computers. Most of the time, they only come out when the sun is long gone. This deprives the body from producing the right amount of vitamin D.

The Lack Of Vitamin D promotes a multitude of problems, which are mostly fatal. This vitamin is beneficial as it helps with the regulation of cholesterol as well as keeps the heart in tip-top shape, also making it more efficient. Vitamin D is known for its ability to keep the bones strong and healthy. The vitamin also acts as an anti-depressant as it also helps fight mood disorders. Studies have also discovered the ability of the vitamin to prevent cancer and promote weight loss. Getting adequate amounts of vitamin D daily is very important so make sure that you take time in getting out and bask in the sunlight unless you find other ways to soak in UV rays without sun exposure.

Tanning in the sun or even indoor tanning with the use of a tanning machine both provide you with the UV rays you need for vitamin D production. The Indoor Tanning Association says that an average person is required to have approximately 1000 IU of vitamin D per day to stay healthy. This amount can be possibly attained through acquiring UV rays via a tanning salon. Of course, if you want a free alternative, you can just go out and bask under the sun. Just make sure that you use the right tanning lotions as well as sun protection to get the right amount of UV exposure without burning your skin to avoid skin related problems.

Although tanning is considered as a great solution to solve the Deficiency Of Vitamin D, you can also improve your Vitamin D Levels through taking in supplements as well as eating foods that also contain vitamin D like salmon and milk which can be easily bought from the market and consumed regularly. When basking under the sun, proper skin protection should be done to avoid the risk of skin related problems such as skin cancer. You can take care and protect your skin through using moisturizers, lotions, and exfoliants, which will help increase the positive effects of exposure to sun, rays. Of course, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and doing regular physical activities should still be done as it helps a lot in maximizing the body’s ability to absorb vitamin D.

Vitamin D Excess And Vitamin D Low Effects

Vitamin D Side Effects : Vitamin D is necessary in the body in that it modulates neuromuscular function, reduces inflammation and influences the action of many genes that regulate the proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis of cells. Taking too much Vitamin D or Vitamin D Excess can cause side effects. Adversely, not having enough can also lead to negative effects. Low Vitamin D can lead to thin, brittle or misshapen bones while sufficient Vitamin D can prevents rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults. Vitamin D together with calcium helps prevent osteoporosis in older adults.

Vitamin D taken by an adult in more than 1250 micrograms per day is deemed to be toxic for the body. An overly increased intake of Vitamin D may make the person hypersensitive and develop the condition known as hypercalcemia. This over dose can lead to the main symptoms of hypercalcemia such as anorexia, nausea, vomiting, followed by polyuria, polydipsia, weakness, nervousness, pruritus and renal failure. Conditions such as proteinuria, urinary casts, azotemia and metastatic calcification especially in the kidney can also develop. If this condition is known to occur, the patient must immediately stop taking Vitamin D because kidney failure is irreversible.

Vitamin D is known to be safe for intake in pregnant women. However, a high dose can cause vitamin D side effects which is deemed toxic for a pregnant woman and can cause harm to the fetus. A Vitamin D Excess in the system can cause an increase in the calcium levels of the body. This can increase the risk of hardening of arteries in patients with serious kidney diseases. This must also be maintained in at equilibrium state to prevent renal osteodystrophy which is a bone disease that occurs when the kidneys fail to maintain the proper levels of calcium and phosphorus in the blood.

Patients with the medical condition of sarcoidosis may have an increase calcium level upon the increase of Vitamin D. This can lead to the development of kidney stones. This is also the case for patients with histoplasmosis, hyperparathyroidism and lymphoma.

Vitamin D has an effect on drug interactions as well such as those taking aluminum, atorvastatin, calcipotriene, digoxin, diltiazem, medications that are changed by the liver such as cytochrome P450 3A4 substrates, verapamil and water pills. There are also noted minor drug interactions among patients taking cimetidine, heparin and low molecular weight heparins. There is also a drug interaction with magnesium supplements. Certain medications for kidney and heart conditions must be noted as these drug interactions can aggravate it. In some other medication it can lessen its efficacy so intake of Vitamin D must be monitored.