Deficiency Symptoms Of Vitamin D । Vitamin D Multiple Sclerosis, Blood Pressure, Obesity, Osteoporosis And Diabetes
Before discussing about Deficiency Symptoms Of Vitamin D, we must have to know about Vitamin D and Vitamin D Deficiency - what it is? So, let's start.
Vitamin D is a well-known vitamin, also called sun-rich vitamin is a nutritious ingredient that has a great impact on the human body.
Vitamin D is an essential component of human bones that helps the body absorb calcium.
Vitamin D is a part of secosteroida in fat, with its two main forms of vitamin D2 and vitamin D3.
Vitamin D3 is extracted through the skin after exposure to sunlight or artificial sources and also ultraviolet rays. Likewise, this can be found naturally in many foods.
In some countries certain foods such as milk, butter and flour are enriched with vitamin D.
Vitamin D is available in tablet form. Foods such as fish, meat and eggs are rich in vitamin D and it is an important part of the diet for people who have a shortage of this vitamin.
Deficiency Symptoms Of Vitamin D |
Vitamin D enters the liver via the bloodstream and is converted to calcidiol prohormone. Later in circulation, calcidiol is converted to calcitriol, the natural active form of vitamin D. This process takes place in the kidneys or through monocytes and macrophages. When calcitriol is synthesized by monocytes and macrophages, calcitriol is used as a cytokine for immediate protection of the body against microbes.
On the other hand, when the synthesis takes place in the kidney, calcitriol acts as a hormone, such as e.g. Calcium and phosphate control in the blood, which supports the respective mineralization, bone growth and repair.
Low Vitamin D level can lead to weak and fragile bones, while the corresponding levels in children prevent it leading to Vitamin D Rickets, and osteomalacia and osteoporosis in adults. In addition, vitamin D controls neuromuscular functions and effects of genes that double cell division, differentiation, and apoptosis.
Vitamin D Deficiency can lead to very dangerous illnesses. There are many symptoms that indicate a Lack Of Vitamin D that you really suffer.
Deficiency Symptoms Of Vitamin D
- Rickets
Vitamin D Rickets : It is the most common Deficiency Symptoms Of Vitamin D in children. As a sign of Vitamin D Deficiency, weakened bones that can not mineralize the bone tissue resulting in soft and deformed bones.
Causes, Symptoms And Treatment For Deficiency Symptoms Of Vitamin D -
Rickets is a disease caused by Vitamin D Deficiency, especially in infants and toddlers.
How to treat rickets?
Rickets is a disease of bone growth with impaired mineralization (incorporation of calcium and phosphate) in children and infants. Basically, disturbed mineralization is caused by a Deficiency Of Vitamin D. Vitamin D serves to allow calcium and phosphate to enter the cartilage and bone with blood. Lack Of Vitamin D in children and infants (group still growing) does not harden the bones. They stay soft and give way under heavy load. The bones are deformed and disease is caused by rickets.
How do we ingest vitamin D?
With vegetables and fruits, we only consume a small amount of vitamin D. But natural sunlight (the UV rays) causes vitamin D to build up under the skin. In the past, children and infants who were not exposed to sunlight were very affected by rickets. Especially the children from cities who did not have much opportunity to play outdoors. Rickets are very rare in our day. Today, as a prevention of rickets, infants receive vitamin D in tablets or drops.
What happens if baby does not take in enough vitamin?
Lack Of Vitamin D in stages of bone growth causes rickets. Also (painful bones) Disease Osteomalacia is caused by Lack Of Vitamin D. Rickets mainly affects the legs and spine. However, there are rare cases when the body can not process ingested vitamin D: through congenital metabolic disorder, intestinal diseases, liver or kidney disease - in which the metabolism takes place. Then, so-called vitamin D-resistant rickets - rickets become insensitive to
Vitamin D. Which is treated differently from "normal rickets" - vitamin D dependent rickets. But there are also other causes of rickets, but these are very rare.
When do the first symptoms of rickets appear?
In children born with a sufficient intake of calcium and phosphate, signs of rickets due to non-introduction or inability to use vitamin D appear at the age of 2 to 3 months. Until then, a healthy baby is irritable, restless, sleeps badly and sweats very strong. The first signs are bone softening on the skull, constipation, muscle weakness. Fontanelle (spaces between the bones) are wide open and slowly closing.
What analyzes are being done to determine the cause of the disease?
Biochemical analyzes are the most important. It is necessary to determine the content of calcium, phosphate and enzymes alkaline phosphatase in the blood, the earliest changes - in the sense of an increase above normal levels. The concentration of phosphate in "normal rickets" is reduced, but in the case of rare forms of the disease may be increased. Due to the compensatory hyperfunction of the parathyroid glands, levels of calcium in the blood are usually maintained in the normal. If this "protective mechanism" fails, baby may report manifest symptoms of rachitogenic tetany. Radiographs proved changes in the bones.
- Osteoporosis
Vitamin D Osteoporosis : Osteoporosis, as a Deficiency Symptoms Of Vitamin D occurs when the amount of mineral in bone is less than a certain level and your bones become fragile and vulnerable. It usually affects mostly women, but even men can affect it. Vitamin D Osteoporosis is a bone disease that leads to the loss of organic and mineral parts of the bone, so they become brittle and fragile. It falls into one of five of the most common chronic conditions in general, and 80% of all patients are women. Osteoporosis is a disease of the elderly and is associated with hormonal changes that occur in old age. The most common and dangerous complications of this disease are fractures of the vertebral body and femoral neck.
Bones in cross section -
Why does osteoporosis occur?
Eighty percent of people with osteoporosis are older women and the most common and important cause of why this disease occurs is postmenopausal cessation of the secretion of the female sex hormone estrogen. Skeletal system is constantly exposed to very high loads. In order to be able to endure it throughout life, it often needs to be renewed. This task is performed by osteoblasts and osteoclasts, cells that break down old and damaged bones and build new bone tissue. This process of bone resorption is influenced by the interaction of hormones and mechanical stimuli, and their balance is essential for the normal functioning of bones. In children, the entire skeletal system will replace itself for about five years and adults need twice as much time for this process. The load has a very important role in the speed of bone remodeling. So athletes working with muscle heavier strain your skeletal system constantly to irritate the bones and thereby stimulate their sales. Therefore, physical activity is one of the most important and effective way to prevent osteoporosis. In childbearing age, when they have a normal amount of estrogen in their blood, women are protected from deteriorating bone mass. This is drastically altered after menopause and a sharp decline in estrogen levels. Then gradually and inevitably begins to decline in bone mass. Other associated diseases, inadequate nutrition, lack of physical activity and genetic predisposition can accelerate this process and so quickly lead to pathological reduction of bone mass, osteoporosis. Extremely important role in the strength and quality of bone mineral density has calcium. It together with phosphorus makes salts together with collagen form the basis of bone tissue. Therefore, any condition that stimulates the amount of free calcium in the blood decreases the development of osteoporosis. Most often, the main culprit for this condition is the inadequate amount of calcium in the diet, then increased calcium intake, disorders in a variety of gastrointestinal disorders and endocrine disorders that can upset the balance of calcium in the body (thyroid disorders and glands, Stress, diabetes, release of cortisol ...). Vitamin D is important for calcium absorption in the small intestine and the absence has a direct impact on the amount of calcium in the bones. Makes the skin in sunlight, and thus insufficient sun exposure reduces the absorption of calcium, thus promoting bone demineralization.
Vitamin D Osteoporosis Diagnosis -
The most important parameter for the diagnosis of osteoporosis is densitometry measurement of bone density. What is measured is the deviation of bone density in relation to the value of healthy and young population. In addition to the measurements of bone mineral density for diagnosis are significant detail anamnesis and detection of risk factors and also some laboratory findings can help. Risk factors include age older than 50 years, menopause, alcohol intake and excess caffeine, smoking, low body weight, malignancy, eating disorders, lack of physical activity.
Vitamin D Osteoporosis In Men -
Although the vast majority of women suffer from osteoporosis, the disease is not reserved only for the "weaker sex". Every third hip fracture occurs in men and one out of every ten men over the age of 50 experiences it. In addition, the mortality from complications after hip fracture is two times higher than in women. The most common reason for mineralization and bone loss in men is hormone imbalance. It occurs after the age of 6o, and is characterized by a gradual reduction in the secretion of testosterone. Testosterone alone does not affect the bone metabolism so directly. It is converted to estradiol on the outskirts, which is similar to estrogen and has a much stronger effect on bone remodeling than testosterone alone. Gradually reducing the secretion of testosterone, stronger and heavier due to the different growth during puberty and intense physical activity throughout life are the reasons why this disease is three times more rare in men.
Vitamin D Osteoporosis "Disease Of The Future" -
Today, it is estimated that 8 to 10% of the world's population is suffering from this disease, and over the next 20 years this figure will double. Osteoporosis is a disease of the elderly and the general population is getting older and older, and the modern way of life increasingly eliminates exercise and a healthy diet. And all the development favors a silent epidemic. The treatment is long and has severe consequences for prevention in the form of regular physical activity. A healthy and balanced diet, avoidance of alcohol, smoking and caffeine is the first choice in tackling this global disease.
Deficiency Symptoms Of Vitamin D |
- Depression And Fatigue
Vitamin D And Depression : According to scientists, depression is the result of Lack Of Vitamin D and a major Deficiency Symptoms Of Vitamin D. They argue that due to urbanization, sunlight does not provide enough room for the skin, reduced by 25 (OH) levels in the body, causing it to become depressed leads.
He also discovered that many people suffer from seasonal affective disorder in winter due to insufficient sun exposure. Parathyroid hormone is responsible for depression as a Deficiency Symptoms Of Vitamin D.
Vitamin D Deficiency related to Vitamin D And Depression -
Lack Of Vitamin D in the body is linked to heart disease, diabetes and certain types of cancer.
However, a small study that was conducted on three women showed that deficiency of Vitamin D And Depression are linked, and that increasing levels of vitamin D in the body may lead to a reduction in some symptoms of depression.
The study included three women, aged 42 to 66 years, who had suffered from depression, and took antidepressants. The women were also treated for diabetes type 2 and as part of an active thyroid (not enough thyroid hormones).
All three women had lower levels of vitamin D ranging from 8.9 to 14.5 nanograms per milliliter of blood (ng / ml). Level of less than 21 ng / ml is referred to as Vitamin D Deficiency. The normal vitamin D levels are over 30 ng / ml.
Vitamin D Levels in the blood -
Low Vitamin D <21 ng / ml
Normal concentrations of vitamin D> 30 ng / ml
Women have been subjected to treatment for 8-12 weeks to increase the level of vitamin D in the body. After treatment, the level was increased to 32-38 ng / ml. All three women have noticeably reduced the symptoms of depression after receiving vitamin D. The degree of depression of one of the women was improved from severe to moderate depression. The degree of depression in other women was so much improved that he had only minimal symptoms of depression.
Vitamin D Sunlight -
Vitamin D is also called sunshine vitamin because our body produces it when exposed to sunlight. Vitamin D is also added to milk and other foods, and in small amounts is present in fatty fish such as tuna, salmon and mackerel. It is also present in beef liver, cheese and eggs (yolk).
There are vitamin D receptors in the parts of the brain that are responsible for the regulation of behavior and emotions. It is not uncommon for people who suffer from depression to have lower Vitamin D Levels in the body and that fixing this level can make great changes for the better as people feel.
People often feel better when they gain vitamin D because it so affects our brains that it improves serotonin - the same job as the many antidepressants.
Still needs to be explored...
The link between depression and Vitamin D Deficiency is probably ratchet: People who suffer from depression are at higher risk for a deficiency of this vitamin because they stay at home, are not moving enough and probably they are not eating healthily as they should ,If you are being treated for depression, ask your doctor to test your levels of vitamin D in the blood. If it is too low, work on this repair.
For now, there is no strong evidence that Deficiency Of Vitamin D causes depression, just a hint. It has not been established with certainty whether Low Vitamin D in the body causes depression, worsening or that is a result of depression. To determine this, it is necessary to conduct extensive research. Certainly, the case should be investigated if a group of people with depression take the true vitamin D, and the other group takes a placebo.
The results of this research were presented at a medical conference. They should be considered preliminary as they have not gone through a review process by other experts.
- Hyperparathyroidism
Hyperparathyroidism assigns as a main Deficiency Symptoms Of Vitamin D. Which is a blood condition with unusually Low Vitamin D levels, eventually leading to hyperparathyroidism or hypocalcemia.
Due to the secretion of parathyroid hormone (PTH), the parotid glands are primarily responsible for maintaining ekstrcelurarne calcium concentration.
Hyperparathyroidism is a disease characterized by excessive secretion of parathyroid hormone. Secretion of parathyroid hormone directly regulates the plasma concentration of ionized calcium.
Hyperparathyroidism is divided into primary and secondary.
Primary hyperparathyroidism (ICD-10: E21.0), excessive autonomic production of parathyroid hormone (PTH) in the gland can cause:
Parathyroid gland disease (80% of cases of hyperparathyroidism), well-defined, encapsulated in red-barun, lone, 1-5 cm in diameter tumor. It is composed of massive field, trabecular or follicular key stations, which regularly have centrally located nuclei, sometimes with the focal points oxyphilic cells or the entire tumor is composed of oxyphilic cells. No stromal cells or fat cells or significantly less than in the surrounding tissue. Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish nodular gland adenoma from nodular hyperplasia, but the encapsulated form is a significant difference in the composition and pressure of adenomas of the surrounding structures, helping in the diagnosis.
Primary hyperplasia (15% of cases) occurs sporadically or as part of the syndrome MEN-1 or MEN-2A. Usually all four glands are responsible, but it is often and there is asymmetry. Primary hyperplasia may be diffuse or nodular. In this case, the glands were affected while in the adenoma is present and the rest of the normal glands. Normally, the total fat content is reduced or replaced with hyperplastic cells, but this can not always be distinguished from the adenoma. For the diagnosis one should examine all four glands. When a gland is larger and separate from the surrounding atrophic trade, there is talk of adenoma. If all four are elevated and there are no remains of the normal glands then there is talk of hyperplasia.
Parathyroid carcinoma (1% of cases) occurs between the ages of 30 and 60, with the cancer often being larger and heavier than 10 grams, lobular. Meaty and not encapsulated and penetrates into the surrounding tissue. And histologically, they are difficult to distinguish from adenomas, as larger adenomas sometimes have necrosis and bleeding.
Epidemiology -
1. one of the most common endocrinopathies,
2. age,
3. frequency 25: 100 00 per year,
4. 3 times more common in women.
Parathyroid tumor or hyperplasia is usually most commonly found during a routine examination in the search for causes of hypercalcaemia. Sometimes hyperparathyroidism is manifested by the appearance of kidney stones (kidney stones are the first manifestations of hyperparathyroidism in 20% of cases).
Symptom-aching bones) as a result of osteoporosis or osteomalacia reflect the mobilization of calcium from the bones because of high PTH, and can occur and severe bone changes typical of cystic fibrous osteitis, brown tumor of the bone giant cell or a series of microfractures - but It is now but rarely by an earlier diagnosis. In some, hyperparathyroidism is associated with mental changes, gastrointestinal symptoms, and gastric ulcers. High PTH, calcium and phosphate are the diagnostic tests.
Secondary hyperparathyroidism (ICD-10: E21.0) is a condition in which there is hyperplasia and overactive thyroid gland due to another disease in the body, mostly due to chronic renal osteodystrophy.
Hypophosphatemia is the first stimulant of thyroid hyperplasia caused because the kidneys are unable to excrete phosphate. Hypophosphatemia then causes hypocalcemia, which leads to reactive thyroid hyperplasia. Consequently, performance and lack of activation of vitamin D, which reduces calcium absorption in the gut.
Microscopic changes are the same as in thyroid hyperplasia and hypertrophy of the macroscopically all four glands. Events are the same as for primary hyperparathyroidism, noting that, in most cases, hyperparathyroidism secondary to reversible condition by eliminating the cause. In the remaining cases, when the thyroid continues to secrete PTH independent of normalizing calcium and phosphate levels in the blood, long-term secondary hyperplasia results in renal failure called tertiary hyperparathyroidism.
- Obesity
Vitamin D And Obesity : Obesity assign as a Deficiency Symptoms Of Vitamin D. Vitamin D Deficiency is often associated with obesity, insufficient Vitamin D Levels impede the production of the hormone leptin, which regulates body fat. Too little sunlight interferes with the normal functioning of the body that forces individuals to eat more than they need.
Women older than 65 years and with a Lack Of Vitamin D are more likely to gain weight than people of the same sex and age who have a normal level of vitamin D. The results of the research conducted in the Health Center of Portland Health and have been published in the journal Journal of Women's Health. The study involved 4,500 women of stated age who had been followed for more than 4 years and it was found that the average weight gain (when there is a Deficiency Of Vitamin D) is about one kilogram.
Author of the study Erin LeBlanc, endocrinologist, explains: "This is the first study that shows a direct link between Vitamin D Deficiency and body weight gain. Over 80 percent of the women in this study had a Vitamin D Deficiency whose main source of sun exposure is. The modern way of life determines the pace, which is aligned to the interior spaces. And that's why it should come as no surprise that there is an overall increase and increase in body weight. This study has also shown that we need to deepen the tests before we start recommending Vitamin D Supplements to prevent obesity, especially in postmenopausal women. Most women included in this study had no loss regimes on body weight and about 60% remained within 5% of their original body weight. About one third had lost 5% of their original body weight, while 12% received more than 5% of their original body weight. A total of 571 women who had a Vitamin D Deficiency had an average body weight gain of about 8 pounds, while the average increase in women with normal Vitamin D Levels was less than 4 pounds.
- Osteomalacia
Vitamin D Osteomalacia is also may be a sign as Deficiency Symptoms Of Vitamin D. In adult human rickets, the condition known as osteomalacia occurs. Also, Vitamin D Osteomalacia is often used as a name for the later stages of rickets, regardless of the age of the patient. The main cause of this disease is a Lack Of Vitamin D.
Osteomalacia is a metabolic bone disease characterized by bone turnover, which is weakened by the loss of bone mineral content caused by new bone. Usually due to the lack of calcium and phosphate or due to excessive absorption of calcium and phosphorus from the bone, by some associated disorders. Vitamin D is very important in normal bone metabolism. Osteomalacia is a decrease in bone density after ready growth. In children, when there is a decrease in bone density, it is rickets. Osteoporosis differs from osteomalacia with the greater loss of bone density tissue. The causes of osteomalacia reduces the absorption of calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D in the diet, diseases of the digestive tract, which reduce the absorption of some of these substances (celiac disease), the long-term use of antiepileptic drugs, chronic renal failure, pregnancy, in the presence of some tumor process, menopause) ...
Osteomalacia most commonly occurs due to disruption of the normal level of vitamin D.
The exact number of people affected by this disease is unknown, but a larger number of patients are in developing countries.
How does osteomalacia manifest?
In osteomalacia, there are symptoms such as
1. Diffuse bone pain (pelvic pain, spine)
2. The possible occurrence of bone fractures in young trauma
3. A weakness in the muscles, especially in the proximal parts of the limbs with sluggish gait and difficulty getting up and climbing stairs
4. With hypocalcemia that is associated with osteomalacia occur paresthesias (tingling and numbness of the skin), weakness, contraction, arrhythmia ...
5. Deformations occur in the form of bending and distortion of other bones of the spine (lordosis, lordosis delordosation)
What is the diagnosis of Osteomalacia?
History of the clinical picture and objective examination may help in suspected osteomalacia.
Definitive diagnosis of osteomalacia represents only Ostaodenzitometry, measurement of bone density set special device that includes the application of X-signs and the measured bone density of the spine and hip.
In laboratory tests, hypocalcemia (low blood calcium levels), increased hypophosphatemia (low phosphate in the blood), increased alkaline fosfateze in the blood.
What is the treatment of Osteomalacia?
The use of calcium and vitamin D daily, with laboratory levels of calcium in the blood is the treatment of choice.
It is necessary to treat the underlying disease, osteomalacia (treatment of malnutrition, the elimination of certain drugs, treatment of the disease ...
If bone density remains low despite supplementation of calcium and vitamin D, then the question arises of the use of bisphosphonates.
- Chronic Low Back Pain
Chtonic low back pain could be a Deficiency Symptoms Of Vitamin D. As I said, Vitamin D Deficiency affects bone density. Lower bone density leads to spinal support, which eventually leads to lower chronic back pain.
- Hypertension/Blood Pressure
Vitamin D And Blood Pressure is the another sign of Deficiency Symptoms Of Vitamin D. Lack Of Vitamin D is one of the factors that can lead to hypertension or high blood pressure. The level of vitamin D in the blood is associated with blood pressure, two recent studies found in PubMed found.
It seems that nowadays vitamin D is one of the best studied and tested. Interestingly, many believe that this is not true vitamin. Some believe it is ahead of prohormone, the precursor to the creation of hormones in endocrine glands. Some others, in turn, believe that it can be converted into a hormone prehormone. A small number calls it just "hormone," while most still as a vitamin, simply because it comes from other sources, and its deficiency leads to illness.
The process of metabolizing solar UVB rays and even supplements, the endpoint, vitamin D, goes through the stages that justify any of the following statements.
What is fundamental is the following: Any vitamin D that is synthesized when exposed to sunlight, any supplements of vitamin D3, necessary to maintain a sufficient level of vitamin D3 in the blood, would be prevented or even cured, many To get diseases.
Vitamin D Levels, Cardiac and Hypertension -
Two studies were recently conducted in Turkey, in two different institutes of the cardiology department, and published in PubMed this year. Respondents were diagnosed with hypertension or high blood pressure. It was mostly older people, on average 63 years (10 years more or less). They were divided into two groups to compare those whose Vitamin D Levels in the blood was higher than normal with those whose levels were below normal (adopted by the American Standard, 30ng / l).
After several indicators were measured in patients with high and low levels of vitamin D, it was found that vitamin D contributes: reducing the inflammation of the cardiovascular system, causing narrowing of the arteries and reducing left atrial shrinkage in patients with newly diagnosed hypertension.
The conclusion? If you have increased pressure, the more sun exposure in a safe period (until 10 o'clock in the morning and after 6 o'clock in the afternoon) can lead to a greater synthesis of vitamin D and could help to preserve cardiovascular health and help to prevent a heart attack avoid.
How much Vitamin D is needed?
Although the official recommendation of vitamin D levels in the blood is 30ng / l (30 nanograms per liter), experts believe in vitamin D in the field of complementary medicine, that it should be almost twice as high - about 50ng / l. They have even more than, levels between 50ng / l and 80ng / l the optimal maintenance of general health and achieving resistance to disease.
What influences the synthesis of Vitamin D?
An important factor is the color of the skin. As your skin darkens, the longer you have to expose it to the sun to perform the synthesis of vitamin D. Another factor is the place where you live. The closer you are to the equator, the more sunshine comes on average to the skin. If you are in the temperate zone, and are probably needed supplements of vitamin D in winter, and this is especially true if you live in the northern regions.
How many supplements to take when there is no sun? The official recommendation is 600 IU (International Units) per day. But many practitioners of complementary medicine recommended much more, about 2,000 IU, and some even up to 10,000 IU.
Do not take the supplement of vitamin D, this is synthetic vitamin. Take vitamin D3, which contains cholecalciferol. The most commonly extracted is sheep's wool, the lanolin fatty substance that has already begun to synthesize vitamin D. In other words, epidermal cholesterol is synthesized with Seim Vitamin D, which is completed in the body when we take supplements.
Dosage and even sunbathing, depends on the age. In older liver and kidney may be less effective in the conversion of cholecalciferol in vitamin D.
How do you know what is your vitamin D content in the blood? There are laboratory tests to be determined, so consult your doctor.
- Diabetes
Vitamin D And Diabetes may be among of the main Deficiency Symptoms Of Vitamin D. Diabetes is triggered because of the Lack Of Vitamin D in the blood, and the primary cause of the deficit is not enough sun exposure. Do we pay the price because of the fear of the cutaneous melanoma?
Type 2 diabetes (by far the most common type of diabetes) is expanding, but it should not be so if we had a responsible attitude. Recall, type 2 diabetes occurs when the pancreas does not produce enough quality insulin. As possible risk factors are mentioned age and heritage, also the skin color. But nutrition and physical activity have a far greater impact. But it seems that vitamin D is perhaps the most important factor.
Thus, diabetes is triggered because of Lack Of Vitamin D in the blood, and the primary cause of the deficit is not enough sun exposure. Closure in the house or a reduced exposure with the coating thick layers of harmful pesticides. Did you know that diabetes causes blindness and serious cardiac death?
Australian researchers have found that inadequate Vitamin D Levels mean almost twice the risk of diabetes. The elderly population is particularly vulnerable. For many reasons. Over the years, the need for this vitamin is growing, and everything is absorbed and the cumulative effect of poor nutrition ("white" and similar canned foods) throughout life. Although the optimal level of Vitamin D Levels is over 100nmol / l, older people often do not even have a quarter of that amount. Something is better with children, but there are very obvious deficits, especially in winter. Sitting in front of a computer (with enough chips and Nutella) does not ensure the "filling up" of vitamin. Vitamin D Levels in children decrease up to 50 nmol / l in winter, even below it. Much to worry about. This opens the door for diabetes type 1 (far more severe form of diabetes, which leads to direct destruction of beta cells, and without them there is no physical insulin) and Vitamin D Deficiency is associated, among other things, with an increased incidence of 16 types of cancer, including cutaneous melanoma. Yes, the melanoma that hides our skin like that. The sufferers of melanoma are also very often affected by diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis ... They would say a complete system breakdown.
Needless to say, how much vitamin D means for proper calcium intake and healthy bones. It is not said otherwise that vitamin D is a supervitamin. Although we are not supporters of excessive vitamin supplementation, perhaps for some it is not a bad idea, especially in winter.
Vitamin D Multiple Sclerosis
In recent years there has been a lot of research into the relationship between Vitamin D And Multiple Sclerosis (MS). In the last issue of the journal Neurology published three studies on this particular topic.
The aim of the first study was to determine whether interferon beta (IFN-├Я) is associated with the content of vitamin D and whether there is an interaction between IFN-├Я and vitamin D on the risk of relapse. The survey was conducted in Tasmania, and the results show that patients treated with IFN-├Я had a significantly higher level of 25-hydroxy-vitamin D (25 (OH) D) than patients who did not take IFN-├Я (p <0.001 ). The relationship between 25 (OH) and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D does not differ depending on the treatment of IFN-├Я (p = 0.82). Vitamin 25 (OH) D was associated with a reduced recurrence rate only in patients treated with IFN-├Я (p <0.001). On the other hand, IFN-├Я is protected against relapse only in people with a high degree of 25 (OH) D, while in patients with low 25 (OH) D increases the risk of relapse. In conclusion, this study shows that IFN-├Я therapy is associated with a higher production of vitamin D after exposure to sunlight, which indirectly indicates the effect of IFN-0 by regulating metabolism of vitamin D.
Another study aimed to prospectively investigate the role of serum 25 (OH) D in the risk of worsening (relpsa) MS. The study included 73 patients, and serum levels of 25 (OH) D were measured every 8 weeks. Patients were divided into three groups according to the levels of 25 (OH) D: low (<50 nmol / L), medium (50-100 nmol / L), and high (> 100 nmol / L). The risk of relapse was significantly higher with 25 (OH) D. Each time the serum 25 (OH) D was increased twice, the risk of relapse was reduced by 27% (p = 0.008). The results of these studies show that higher serum vitamin D is associated with a reduced risk of relapse.
In the third study, 88 patients with helical MS who had followed MRI findings for 6 months with serial recordings and measurements of serum 25 (OH) D before IFN-├Я treatment and IFN-╬▓ for 18 months after initiation of treatment. ├Я.
The results showed that pretreatment of IFN-├Я, an increase in serum 25 (OH) D 10 nmol / L leads to a decrease in the likelihood of lesions, the color contrast to 12.7% (p = 0.037), and the new T2 lesions in 11.7% (p = 0.044). There is no association between serum.25 (OH) D and disease activity followed by MR after initiating treatment with IFN-├Я. These results indicate that in patients with MS who treated with increased serum 25 (OH) D inversely associated with radiological activity of MS.
All three studies demonstrate the need for prospective, multicentre, randomized study on the role of vitamin D in the management of patients with MS.
If the doctor identifies the Lack Of Vitamin D as the cause of the symptoms, then treatment is usually very straightforward ... Your doctor will give you a Vitamin D Supplements and recommend it for the symptoms if treated properly.
Since some of these symptoms and illness are very serious, it is a good idea to make sure you are getting enough Vitamin D Sunlight from sun exposure, Vitamin D Rich Foods and / or Vitamin D Supplements.
At last we have to know about Vitamin D Facts and about the Vitamin D Rich Foods. So, here it is -
Vitamin D Facts
1. Our skin produces Vitamin D Sunlight - UV radiation from natural sources.
2. Sun rays, from which the skin produces vitamin D, can not penetrate through the glass. So, when you're at home, in the office, or in the car, your skin does not produce vitamin D.
3. It is almost impossible to get enough vitamin D from the diet. Exposure to sunlight is the only way to safely get enough of this vitamin.
4. It is necessary in a day to drink ten glasses of milk fortified with vitamin D, so that a minimal amount of vitamin D has landed in the body.
5. The farther you live from the equator, the more you need to be exposed to the sun to get enough vitamin D.
6. People with dark skin need 20-30 times more sun to get the same amount of vitamin D than people with white skin. That's why prostate cancer is so common among black men - it's because of Lack Of Vitamin D.
7. Sufficient amounts of vitamin D are crucial for calcium absorption in organism. Without vitamin D, your body can not absorb calcium, which makes dietary supplements useless if you have Vitamin D Deficiency.
8. Chronic Vitamin D Deficiency can not be solved overnight. It takes months and months of sun exposure or ingestion of vitamin D in the form of supplements to restore this vitamin to the bones and nervous system.
9. Even weak sunscreens (SPF 8) block the production of vitamin D by 95%! Creating a Deficiency Of Vitamin D in the body, these sunscreens so cause diseases.
10. It is not possible to Vitamin D Overdose. The body regulates the process of creating this vitamin out of the sunlight and takes as much as necessary.
11. Press firmly on the sternum. If you feel pain, it is possible that you are suffering from Vitamin D Deficiency.
12. Before the body can use vitamin D, it must be "activated" by our liver and kidneys.
13. In people with kidney or liver disease, the ability to activate and use vitamin D can be reduced.
14. Sunscreen industry do not want you to know about the importance of vitamin D. This would reduce their profits.
15. This vital vitamin is completely free because the organism creates it from the sun's rays.
Interestingly, the fact that antioxidants increase our body's ability to raise more vitamin D allows you to stay on the sun longer without burning. Astaxanthin, for example, increases this capacity by 200%. Other antioxidants you can use are acai berry, pomegranate, blueberry etc.
Some Vitamin D Rich Foods that are high in Vitamin D -
The colder days come and there is less sunlight, and a Sources Of Vitamin D is reduced on our plate. So one should carefully choose what is found on our plate.
- Salmon and Tuna
Salmon is high on the list of foods that are high in vitamin D, followed by tuna. One can of tuna contains about one third of the recommended daily dose of vitamin D.
- Sardines
Two smaller sardines contain about 13 percent of the required intake of vitamin D.
- Egg yolk and Cheese
As well as with vitamin D, eggs are an excellent source of protein. And although they get cholesterol, they are not associated with the risk of heart disease. And cheese is rich in vitamin D.
- Beef Liver
Besides being rich in vitamin D, they are also a good source of iron.
- Mushrooms
Some fungi that are exposed to the sun have a significant amount of vitamin D.
So, include the Vitamin D Foods to your diet and be healthy.